Willis Elementary P.T.O.
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Important Dates

Mon. February 17th
NO SCHOOL- Presidents’ Day

Wed. February 12th
Runners Club- 7:20am

Thurs. February 27th
PTO Meeting- 5pm
SAC Meeting- 6pm

Fri. February 28th
Daddy/Daughter Masquerade
Dress Down Day
Spirit Night @ Jeremiah’s

Fri. March 7th
Brick Orders Due
Early Release @ 1:50pm

Mon. March 10th
Spring Pictures

Tues. March 11th
Travelin’ Toms Coffee Truck

Thurs. March 13th
Carousels @ the Park

Fri. March 14th
Early Release @ 1:50pm
Fun Run

March 17th-21st
Spring Break

Business Partners
A BIG THANK YOU to our Business Partners!  Please support our Business Partners by using their services and patronizing their establishments!  To view our Business Partner list, please click HERE!
Robert E. Willis Elementary School
14705 The Masters Avenue
 Lakewood Ranch, FL. 34202
Phone: (941) 316-8245   
Fax: (941) 316-8259
Willis School Website

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by emailing 

Note: To ensure that you receive the emails, please add williselementary@gmail.com as a contact in your email system.
Click HERE to purchase a family banner for the 24/25 school year!
Signup HERE!
Purchase your dance tickets HERE.
Order your brick HERE!